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UNIDOGoverno de Moçambiquegef

High level dialogue ENERGY

The UN High level dialogue on energy held from the 21-25th of June had the participation of All UN Member States voluntarily committed to the SDGs. The HLDE discussions were deliberated under the following thematic areas;

I. Energy Access (Universal electricity access, Clean cooking, Heating/cooling and other energy services)
II. Energy Transitions (Renewable energy, Energy efficiency, Transport including electric vehicles, just transition, including coal phase-out)
III. Enabling SDGs Through Inclusive, Just Energy Transitions (Gender equality, Health and education, Poverty eradication and job creation, Agriculture, food systems, and water, Sustainable production and consumption)

In addition, cross cutting issues were tackled including; Innovation, Technology and Data, Finance and Investment with focus on the Recovering better strategy from COVID-19, Fossil fuel subsidy reform, Green investment, Risk management, and insurance

Here are 10 lessons for Mozambique from the HLDE;

1.It is necessary to formulate actionable plans and compacts that include clean cooking; a viable, robust, fully inclusive, and sustainable clean cooking industry; and making gender a key part of agreements and financing.

2.There is need for the adoption of innovative or non-market solutions for affordability such as waiving taxes or subsidizing clean cooking and household energy; capacity building and support for local manufacturing; research on transition technologies, including hemp or crop wastes; and innovations in financing instruments and business models.

3.Adopting an integrated approach that recognizes the end goal of an electrified economy with electric cooking and electric mobility. Need for better fiscal allocation and targeted financial tools that can support both large and small providers.

4.Increased use of digital tools such as the internet and social media to share information in real time, focusing not only on supply but also demand data. Need for capacity needs assessments as well as efforts to address the needs identified.

5.Government and other relevant stakeholders strongly encouraged to take actions to achieve universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy, increase the global share of new and renewable energy, improve the inclusion in energy sector cooperation, where relevant, and increase the rate of improvement in energy efficiency for a clean, low-emission, low-carbon climate-resilient, safe, efficient, modern, affordable and sustainable energy system, given the systemic sustainable development benefits, while taking into consideration the diversity of national situations, priorities, policies, specific needs and challenges and capacities, including their energy mix and energy systems;

6.Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, as such services are an integral part of poverty eradication measures, human dignity, quality of life, economic opportunity, the combating of inequality, the promotion of health and the prevention of morbidity and mortality, access to education, safe drinking water and sanitation, food security, disaster risk reduction and resilience, climate change mitigation and adaptation, environmental impact reduction, social inclusion and gender equality, including for persons affected by humanitarian emergencies;

7.There is need for the promotion of an enabling environment for the increased usage of sustainable, cleaner and more efficient cooking and heating methods

8.Relevant stakeholders need to leverage the cost-competitiveness of renewable energy, especially in off-grid areas, in order to achieve universal energy access, such as by establishing policy frameworks for metering and payment systems, requiring cost comparisons between grid extension and off-grid solutions, facilitating investment by domestic and foreign banks and educating students, communities, investors and entrepreneurs on renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation, among other activities, where feasible and appropriate;

9.Need for strengthened cooperation at the regional level to promote innovation and facilitate financing, support regional cross-border power grid connectivity, as appropriate, to advance economic integration and sustainable development and share best practices that are responsive to regional needs with regard to Sustainable Development Goal 7 and its interlinkages with the other Sustainable Development Goals, and in this regard encourages Governments to reinforce their energy interconnections, connecting regional energy markets and increasing energy security at the global level;

10.It is only a collective effort that can enable the energy transition at a faster pace. Attainment of SDG7 will require consorted action across the world. There is need to drive ambition and action at home and with greater international collaboration the government can boost investment in clean power and support a faster cheaper and easier transition for all.